The Group
The Group in Gotham Group began as a network of the best freelancers in film and video production from the New York Tri-State area. Our network has spread down the East coast and now includes specialists in Media and Executive Coaching. Given the fast reaction time necessary for effective communications — especially in a crisis — these are the people you’ll want to meet BEFORE you need them. On this page, we are happy to highlight some of the Trainers with whom we are associated.
Regina Clark, CSP
Regina joined The Gotham Group as an executive speech coach and seminar leader. For over twenty years she has been inspiring audiences with her keynote programs on Leadership, Innovation and Process Improvement. Regina utilizes her speaking and training experience to help executives craft appropriate messages and then deliver those messages with impact. Â The author of three books, Regina is a professional member of the National Speakers Association and a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), a designation held by less than 100 women worldwide.
Services: Speech, Executive Coaching, Presentation Skills, Improving Interpersonal Effectiveness (Seminar)
Judy Hoffman
Judy is a highly respected specialist in crisis communications consulting and media training. For more than 16 years, she was Manager of Public Affairs and media spokesperson for a chemical manufacturing company in New York State. An advocate of the universal principles of community and media relations, Judy is in demand across the country, providing workshops, training and community relations advice for corporations and organizations. Her lectures and seminars include the hot topic, Dealing Effectively with Angry People. In addition to her many published articles on crisis communication, Judy is the author of Keeping Cool on the Hot Seat: Dealing Effectively with The Media in Times of Crisis which is used by a dozen colleges and is required reading for Syracuse University’s graduate course in crisis communications.
Services: Crisis Communications Coaching & Consulting, Seminar: Crisis Communications
Paul Paolicelli
Paul is the former Washington, D.C. Bureau Chief for the NBC Television Stations and also a former press secretary to U.S. Senator J. Glenn Beall, Jr. Along the way, he has picked up six local “Emmy” awards, a national Columbia/Dupont and has been nominated for a Peabody. Paul brings a unique perspective to companies seeking to have better results in working with the media. Simply put, Paul knows which stories will make the news and how to fix those that won’t.
Service: Message Content; Quality & Suitability
Doctor John Ricci, MD (N.B.: For Medical Practitioners Only)
After voicing frustration to Dennis Maneri about the quality of presentations at medical symposiums, Dr. Ricci and Dennis have teamed up to offer The Gotham Group’s Presentation and Media Training for Doctors.  Doctor Ricci is a master practitioner of Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) which produces better communications through improved self awareness. For 3 years, Doctor Ricci hosted Health Point on Radio Station WJLK in New Jersey, offering medical advice couched in a mix of serious science and amiable support. Currently, Dr Ricci lectures and presents medical information around the country for several pharmaceutical companies.